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tv   Americas News Headquarters  FOX News  March 3, 2012 9:00am-10:00am PST

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coverage and beginning at 8:00 on the fox network with the biggest names you will find anywhere. it is not about being blue. it is all about your green. thanks for being here have a great weekend. >> the doors opened and watched the old freight train. >> we lost one young child and one or two and that is terrible. >> we knew it was coming for days and had no idea it would be this bad. terrifying night. dozens of tornado in the south and midwest. 34 people are dead and hundreds are injured and entire can communities are cut off from the help they need x. new tornado warnings are popping up in the south. hello, everyone. i am uma, with america's news quarters that starts right now.
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>> the very soul of america is tested. >> this race is about what kind of america you leave to your children and grandchildren. >> months after the election begin. republicans are looking out west for the momentum for super tuesday . i am not a member of the permanent political establishment. and silicensed no more. governor palin took aim at the new hbo movie with her own version. fact change. how weres in the clean up we don't know how bad the rescue clean up will be. they are searching for survivors and twisters crushing indiana towns and pars of kentucky cut off from
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the rest of the world. and we have live coverage from hardest hit parts of alabama and indiana and fox extreme weather center. we have breaking news coverage in henriville, indiana. >> mike? >> uma, it is hard to look in henriville and not see destruction from the battered cars to the school buses knocked off their frames. look at the window and it looks like it was hit with baseballs. that was the impact of the forceful winds. looking in the parking lot of the high school here in henriville. cars were marked with spray paint. they check them off and remarked that no one is still inside . we have amature video from dine doin. they can see the funnel cloud form taking shape and slowing reaching down to earth it did
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deadly detruction . cruised before bouncing up in the sky. it was awesome and terrifying and they couldn't help but watch it until the final second. >> it was scary. and last second. it got to the bottom of the hill. i jumped in the bathtub and waited it out. >> you talk about the power outages. this is one example. can you see the power transformers that explode. here is a one that was knocked to the ground . crews doing the important work of trying to restore the infrastructure. out here in henriville, they got a visit from governor mitch daniels who also went to merry'sville that was wiped off of the map. he said unfortunately, the indiana emergency crews have far too much practice in this kind of thing.
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i will toss tow my colleague john >> we are in the delano community outside of chattanooga, tennessee. can you see the detruction and what used to be a house lifted off of its foundation yesterday. we spoke to christopher johns last night. just before the tornado arrived he was out on the front porch looking at the severe moving in and saw a funnel cloud drop down from the sky and as soon as it touched the ground . didn't get further from the kitchen when the house was picked off and destroyed around him. he survived unskate had a bad scrape but four other family members he had to help free to the wreck yadge get to the nearby hospital. his neighbors were injured as well we pan around and look at what is going on in the
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neighborhood. utility crews as mike toban was talking about earlier. this is a scene you are seeing in the path of the storm that came through here. restoring the infrastruct and you are electricity. many residents will not be able to move back in their home for several months as repairs get underway . these people wasting no time rhetoring utility and getting power back up and so they will be able to go back on line quickly as possible. >> they are doing a thorough job making sure only authorized persons were in the neighborhood. several suspicious people tried to get in and they chased them away. concern is looting . they don't want people who lost so much to lose more. police are doing a good job maintaining order and making sure only utility crews and residents are able to come back in and assess and repair the damage. we'll send it to uma.
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>> thank you very much. our hearts go out to the victims. worst may have passed, but there is still severe weather out there. maria molina has more on this. >> hi, uma. we are looking at a severe weather threat. it is not as bad as what we thought. but we had over 700 reports of severe weather and nen tornados are reported . we have a tornado watch in effect for the florida panhandle and southern parts of georgia. this goes until 2:00 p.m. eastern time. what does a tornado watch mean? conditions are favorable for thunderstorms to develop that could produce tornado touchdowns out there with large size hail and win gusts. we have one of those right now that means a tornado is currently on the great and moving to waycross, georgia. it is important that you seek
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shelter immediately and that means head to your base if you don't have a basement stay away from windows and on the lower floors of your home. they are possible in gainsville and jacksonville, florida. uma we are on deck 2012 is an above average weather season. it is another election day. but more important than the delegates in the washington caucaus is the last bit of the momentum that the gop hopefuls gain in center tuesday. dan springer has more on this. dan? >> yeah, uma. some are calling it momentum saturday because it is the last vote before the all important super tuesday election and no delegates will be won today.
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that has not deterred the candidates from the everygreen state and first time in memory . i guy with the best ground organization is congressman paul . he's been here several times and paul has made two stops and the only candidate in washington today. he will number the caucaus site. he drew more than 700 supporters where he talked about gas prices. >> we heard the other candidates, if i am president i will get gasoline down to 2. 0. yeah, i can get it down to a dime. candidate who appears to have most momentum in the straw poll is former governor mitt romney. only polling that is done by public policy polling and first one found rick santorum
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with an len point lead. but the second poll showed romney up by 5 percent. he was bell view, washington and largely ignoring the gop rivals and saving his attacks for president obama. >> if i am lucky enough to get to the white house, [applause] i won't be playing 90 rounds of golf in my first term, that's for sure. getting good jobs for you will be the job i care most about. we'll know the ruments of the straw poll later this afternoon. we'll not know about the delegates until the state convention. we expect 50,000 to 60,000 caucaus goers four years and show you enthusiasm and only 13,000 washington gop people came out to caucaus . a lot more people are expected today as the interest in the
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caucaus is higher than four years ago. uma. >> indeed, excitement is building. and as we mentioned. super tuesday is three days away . 419 delegates are at stake. ohio has the highest delegate count with 63 in play . alaska has 24 delegates and joining us is now is sarah palin who offer her insights before the all important super tuesday vote. great to see you here. >> thank you, uma. thrimed to visit with you. >> some are calling this gop's version of march madness with the candidates vying for votes. do you think we'll be in for surprise outcome? >> i think everything is predictable thus far from going to sweet cane to the great 8 and now we are in the final four . i believe that thus far things
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are predictable and unless there is a major surprise, that is just here to for unbeyou knowns to any of us. i think we can predict the outcome. and thankfully it will be able to garner a lot of support for the gop nominee to replace bark obama and get our country back on the right track and be safer and more prosperous . america will be much better off to replace the nation's ceo in november. >> and if newt gingrich fail to win the home state of georgia, he needs to bow out, do you agree? >> i don't think anybody needs to bow @ this time. they are getting free media and it doesn't take a whole heck of a lot of money to continue the race. i predict that newt will take the home state of georgia. he put a lot of fiscal and human resource in his home state. people know him and know he is
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successful as a businessman and certainly as a public servant and i think he will do fine there. and some republicans are not happy with the current crop of contenders and hoping for a brokered conversion where a star gop player was in. if asked, would you go for it? >> i am not going to be asked. hypothetical i can skip that and move on to dealing in reality and reality is, we have four good contenders to date . ity results great competition in a brokered con, i don't think that will be anything to fear. that is a continuation of a competitive and heated process. we shouldn't be afraid of that. what we should be afraid of is who does the brokering and who is behind the closed doors in the smoke filled room that decides who would be worthy of
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getting the gop nod. >> and there are those wondering whether or not romney is the nominee will be be active on the campaign. >> anybody but obama . mitt romney. he's proven himself as a businessman. and as a governor. heap's been the ceo of the state and understand 10 amendment and states rights that barack obama doesn't understand . mitt romney worked hard in the campaign. he's been campaign spending millions over the six years running for president. and if he is the nominee, yes. and i believe the majority of independent patriotic menches and participant gop will campaign hard for him. we have got to get the country back on the right track. uma. we have to create more certainty in the market place and in our national defense policiless that are implemented to date. the only way to get rid of the
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uncertainty is to replace barack obama in the balance box. get a gop nominee who understands the constitution and free market and turn things around. if mitt romney is the nominee, i will be there for him. >> president obama's approval ratingings are up right now . do you think that the negative mud slinging is hurt giving the president new momentum? >> well, i think that observers of the gop process do get tired of some of the pettiness that goes on in the campaigns. for instance. santorum was slammed for a dirty trick in trying to solicit democrats and unions support. that is a dirty trick and for him to be accused of that by the gop opponents is ridiculous and it wasted a lot of time and that makes a lot
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of us impatient in watching that pettiness. more power to santorum for trying to bring more in the fold understanding that the gop nominee will be the one to help turn the nation around . by the way, dirty trick in the campaign is when your kids are attacked and people are lying about you and your reputation and record. those are dirty tricks but not trying to solicit support from independent americans you hear accusations like that it gets tiring. >> you are ready for the got contender to go after the white house and go after the president and so you can discuss those issues. switching gears. let's talk about the new hbo movie call would game change. your i race with john mccain and depicts you unprepared and untable d underinformed person on world affairs. you said you were not going to see the movie or repond and
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your political action committee is fighting back why now. >> i am not going to go see the movie and neither is good seasonor john mccain. hollywood lies are hollywood lies are going to do what they can do to drum up their money and machine and that happens to be a pro leftist probarack obama. they are hbo that created the movie and most campaign staffers that threww john mccain under the bus should feem shame and embarrassment and it is based on a false narrative as you can see in the trailer. i will not watch and senator mccain will not watch the movie and people who were there and there by john mccain's side 24 hours a day, and they will seen the move yefalse narratives and they are speaking out and those on the staff in my political
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action committee hooped to be - happened to be there and they worked hard on a video that hopefully shed truth to what this hbo movie is all about. i don't have to do it. we have good staffers that are truthful and they there and they worked on counselering some of that false negative. >> we asked our viewer to send questions they would like to ask you and kimberley wants to know if you would consider the vp position on the republican ticket if asked? >> you know, i would like to see considered for the vp is colonel alen west. in this tumultous time and served in the military and has intimate knowledge of the way the military works and should work by having a close family member serve. someone like that. >> so -- >> he should be considered seriously for the vp.
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>> that's a no from you at this point. >> it is not a no. what i am saying if i were in a gop presidential candidate shoes. i would look to colonel alen west. sarah palin. great to see you. we are out of time with the breaking news going on as well always great to see you. >> thank you and our heart goes out to those in the heart land that are devastated by the storms. our prayers with you. >> absolutely. thank you very much. will we have a gop nominee after super tuesday. who better than the popular radio host that talks to millions of americans each day. and the update on the rescue efforts of the storms and new tornado warning that is are popping up right now. that's good morning, veggie style. hmmm. for half the calories plus veggie nutrition.
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i went to the back and closed the door and praying and the phone died and the door flew open and i heard glass and things going. >> we had no cell phone and hopefully they will know we are okay. >> it seems imaginable if you
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never experienced a tornado that's what it was like. a state of the emergency was declared and rescue officials say they can't get to the worst areas where the phone and power lines are out because of the roads destroyed. >> pictures from you at home tell the stories best. many of you are sending picture to you report account. look at this. from indiana. showing baseball size hail . another from ohio. head to fox report. states remain quiet high. who takes the lead after the votes are count the impact on the race against the white house? joining us mark david and their insightos the super
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sized showdown. >> thank you. hi, uma. let me begin with you, mark. you have a large listening audience and you are finding that folks are on the fence with the contenders at this moment. there is dissatisfaction with the gop. who is going to emerge as the fro runner after tuesday's vote? >> it is the give up answer and depends on what real voters do in the real states. mitt romney carries moment yum there is more people, the number of people voting for newt and ron paul and santorum than will be bigger than mitt. and so will real question will it be santorum or newt gingrich as emerges as the viable conservative to mitt. >> the president's approval ratings are on the rise and the mud slinging is turning off the independents who are critical in the general election.
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what impact will this have on super tuesday. >> there is cautious optimism on the left. but i think that one of the issues to consider on super tuesday is the women vote. polling after the michigan election. one of the reasons that mitt romney won was that rick santorum lost the women vote. has he hurt his brand so much he will not win many contests in the future and if he were to go in the general election would he be in the position of gop not winning because of issues of contraception and what he can do regarding the females. i would hope that rick santorum is our nominee. i hope we don't have to waste time that president rick santorum will not rick the contraception out of's purse. far more important is the issue of jobs and republican
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nominees are talking about jobs and economy and not so much about fringe issues. >> gasoline prices are a huge concern right now. do you believe that once super tuesday is behind us, republicans will make this a key position . and the white house is responsible for the high prices, mark. >> not wholly responsible. president obama's sin he is hostile to american energy. and key stone pipe line and both of these things and simply announcing that we are freeing things up for energy exploration brings things down and the white house is enthusiastic of higher gas pricis because that forces us to green technology. >> are they worried about the future? >> well, i certainly don't think they are faulting the white house. most of what i hear is the usual things about speck
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speculators. the gop it would be a mistake to jump on the gasoline issue. one of the reasons that mitt romney is successful. he had a concestint argument. if they throw all of the eggs in the high gas and they move up and down. they stand to lose a lot. consistency of the issue they ought to be concerned with. high gas prices are anything but consistent. >> mark, number one issue for the listeners is the economy? >> absolutely. and that is a broad thing. the economy is gas prices and garvin is right. don't put all of your eggs, but it is all wasteful washington spend bailouts and taxes too high. economy with a big e will settle it in november. >> how important are social issues to your listeners. >> they are important.
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a have a lot of left listeners and independents. what is happening, gop seems to be veering to the right and they are scaring the independents in the center toward us which we are happy about. >> good talking to both of you and we'll watch on what happens comes super tuesday and we appreciate your insights. >> newly elevated cardinal timothy doll an is speaking out. he told a crowd in new york. policy and politicings can never trump principle. the cardinal insists it is the responsibility for the community to protect the sanctity of human life. >> hitting the campaign trail for his dad. we'll sit down with one of mitt romney's sons and 34 people dead in the devastating tornados and the number is likely to keep rising. rescue crews are combing through and trying to reach
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>> at this hour severe storms in the southeast with tornado warnings in effect for georgia and the carorina the. they are trying to pick up the pieces and peter doocy is live with the top story. 34 people have been killed in the string of strong storms over several states. 300 people were injured in kentucky alone. rescue crews are trying to get to stranded victims. a funeral held for one of the three victims killed in the ohio school shooting. the 16 year old was shot by the class mate monday . funerals will be held next week. >> caucaus goers in washington
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state will decide which of the four remaining candidates will win their state. ron paul is spending time there and they are spending time in ohio . and the pain at the pump is getting worse. right now national average for a gallon of gasoline is 30 cents more than this time last year. those are the top stories, uma, back to you. >> thank you, peter very much. word now that the deadly storms killed one person in alabama. state no stranger to deadly storms. elizabeth is standing by in alabama where people say they had finished picking up the pieces from an earlier tornado when yesterday's storm moved n it is a devastatinguation and our hearts go out to the people that are affected. you have witnessed amazing stories firsthand yourself.
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>> yes, good to see you. people getting a gauge of the extent of the damage. just like you said, not only it was the first area to get hit yesterday. a lot of the area is brand new construction and only 11 months ago that this area was hit by an ef five tornado. this home completely leveled and the man who lived here with his eight year old son. they were able to ride out the storm in a storm shelter that he installed after his home was destroyed. neighbors did not have time to get to the storm shelter and they have brand new construction. this young family bought this home march of last year. april the tornados devastated the home and they were able to rebuild and move back in and as you can see, they had extreme damage . hid in the bath tub when it
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the tornado hit. take a listen. >> you didn't have time to get over the first one. it is so new and we were planning the reunion of april twenth. and you know, we had our house back and we were planning housewarming parties for our friends and now, look at all of the damage all over again. it is hard. uma this particular area was hit in 1974. 1989 and 2011 and now 2012 and met people who have had to rebuild every time. it was a trying experience. >> thank you very much . miscellaneous mass governor mitt romney said he has family to cover campaigning in most of america.
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joining us is josh romney. >> what is it like to be on a spirited and feisty campaign so far? >> you know, it is a lot of fun to tauge about my dad and let voters see the real mitt romney. >> you come from a close knit family. what is it that you would like voters to know about your family. perhaps we may not see it in the day-to-day coverage. >> my dad is a passionate guy and a compassionate guy as well. and look at how he lived his life. most important thing to my dad is his family and you can see that shine through in everything he does. that's why he's running for president. he wants his grandchildren to have the same opportunity he had. and his dad had. he want to make sure it remains so. >> how are you deciding which
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cities are most important to connect. >> we are spread out over the counselry and we get spread to who ever is closest. we campaign there and i get the western states and out in washington we are trying to get people to the caucaus this morning up there and all over the west for me. >> as someone who is close to his father. how difficult is it to hear the personality attackings. >> it is not fun. when you get in politicings that is part. we are through it before. you will get attacked from all sides and i am better at tuning it out. i know who my dad is and he knows who he is. and that's what really matters. he knows who he is and what he can do to tunch the country around. >> behais different this time around for you. >> i think my dad is staying focus on his message and my dad gets the economy better
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than the current president or anyone else running. he understands what works and what builds and hurts economis and that experience and running the olympics and state of massachusetts will make uniquely qualified to be the next president of the united states. >> we wish you all of the best. josh romney. thank you for joining us and stepping away from the day-to-day campaigning. we appreciate it >> thank you, uma. >> take care. today's 2012 contest is on the west coast many candidates are shifting their focus to super tuesday. we'll check in with karl cameron. pictures say it all. continuing coverage. deadly tornado outbreak and amazing photographs to show you. we'll have the latest on the tough situation coming up next.
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>> we have a fox news alert. two more deaths are reported in kentucky. and that means that goes along with other deaths in the states including alabama, indiana and kentucky and ohio. the american red cross fears thens will be left homeless from the aftermath and response teams offering food and shelter and counseling services. rescue workers said the best way it help is give cash to legitimate relief groups like the red cross. 2012 action is in washington state. most candidates have their sights set for super tuesday.
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western >> hi, uma. we are heading down to cincinnati where there are events and mike huckabee is hosting a forum. and ron paul will not participate on it here in ohio. mitt romney is under fire for rick santorum for romney care. health care reform in massachusetts. santorum said it is what romney pened in usa today . romney said he has one or two things for the president to consider . santorum said that amounts for the massachusetts plan and model for obama care. listen . i never recommend they adopt my program in massachusetts. i never did that. oh, yes he did.
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>> now the polls here in ohio suggest that dead heat as we run toward a super tuesday . rick santorum is in the lead. and mitt romney is pointing out if he loses the popular vote he would win in the delegate. rick santorum is not eligible to win 18 because he did not get on the ballot and failed his paperwork. romney is adding up 1144 he needs to cliche and counting on a majority even if he loses the popular vote. >> what i can win in ohio is delegate and possibly of getting the majority. you would like to have the support of people of ohio. delegate system what it is about. we'll get the delegates we can pick up want to get the nomination.
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>> asked about the usa arcticle. romney said early 2007 that he argue thad the massachusetts health plan had things to help the national model but never said it should be what the nation implement doesn't believe that a one size fits all program like obama implemented should be moving forward . ohio is a big battle ground and super tuesday could be who ever loses here. but all candidates say they are going forward knowing that the nomination can't be won for at least weeks or months from now. >> karl cameron on the road literally in ohio. thank you. >> i can't believe that this is where we are going to stay. >> a millionaire looks for comfort under a concrete bridge. the reason behind his dramatic
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life style change, next. [ male announcer ] in blind taste tests, even ragu users chose prego. prego?! but i've been buying ragu for years. [ thinking ] i wonder whaother questionable choices i've made? [ club scene music ] [ sigh of relief ] [ male announcer ] choose taste. choo prego.
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>> we have word now thren people are dead in the violent storms and rescuers are out
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searching for survivors. a visible sign of the storm's wrath in henriville, dine doin. this is a school mascot that graced the gym floor. this is all that left after the tornado ripped through the town. more than 37 people were killed by the violent storms in four states . >> let me tell you, it is the longest night of my life. no way to fall asleep with that noise. i should have brought ear i plugs . we want to change place. to feel what it is like to be out on the street. >> our next guest self made millionaire and risk taker. he ditched his afluent life tile and for night on the street. they are joining us to tell us why he's trading places with the homeless and why he is
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passionate about making a difference. frank, great to see you. >> it is a year or two since i was with you. >> you recently completed the survival tour and going to different cities where you learned what it is like to be homeless . what did you learn? >> my book start to pick up steam. instead of book stores we went to homeless shelters and food pantries in 16 cities, 24 days and 4100 miles and instead of that typical book tour, i swapped places with a homeless person in everyone of those cities and most of the work our charity does is in heighty. we felt that america was hurt those who care for the inent. if you are a homeless person and your shelter shuts down
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where do you go? we made donation and gave out thousands of gift card and i took member who was showing signs of improving their lives and they slept in a tour bus or hotel while i slept underneath the overpass in park benchs and homeless shelters. it is an impactful experience. >> it must have been sobering as you spent the night under the bridge. >> there is 46,000 million americans that are one paycheck away. and a million people lives on the streets of america. i don't believe in entitlement and i don't believe in welfare. i wanted to show people who were down and almost out not to give up hope and lose hope in america and show you if you turn your life around like the people were, that's why they were chosen to swap places with me. they are the poster child for
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success in this country and you can turn it around. for me. i think you can endure one night knowing that the next day you go on a tour bus. some of the places i stayed and grew a beard and didn't look like this. it was cause for me to kick the bad habit and get out of the unemployment line and get to work and take advantage of the free enterprise and capitalism that this counselry is built on. talk about culture shock. 15 times i swapped places with a homeless person and let me tell you, theyful grateful for the opportunity, but i was very moved by their not giving up hope. most have lost everything. >> it is inspiring what you have done and we wish you all of the best. we know you are doing fantastic work with the homeless. we have breaking news and we
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